“There is a mouse by your shoulder!” said my bride, Akemi, in a not-at-all-calm voice. I sat up quickly and looked back at where I had been laying, sure enough, a dead mouse had been tucked into the crook of my neck. I have always told Akemi that our cat, Koji (runt in Japanese), is a cold blooded killer. At…
Author: rayrogers10
Service as a Requirement for Office: What do you think?
“It should be a requirement to have served to even run” said Josh Butner, a Navy veteran running for public office quoted by the Union Tribune from an interview with Voice of San Diego. The firestorm that followed is typical of our sensitive world today, but does Butner have a valid point? If his point is valid, what would be…
Elevator Pitch
Retired Navy Chief. Aerospace engineer. Speaker, blogger, trainer and consultant. Helping veterans and others in transition is my passion. Private and public consulting, keynote speaking and interactive webinars, I continue to build my portfolio of support for veterans, engineers and young professionals. 17 years of System & Software Project Management much of it in Unmanned Aircraft Software Test Engineering with…
Reading for Professional Growth
There are many, many books that are worth your time. Let’s talk about reading for personal growth. I will tell you that I am a reader, but my reading was always fiction. Unless I was forced to do it by school or work, I wouldn’t read non-fiction. There were, of course, exceptions. In high school, I was having the social…
Networking 1
One of the most misunderstood or least understood tools in the professional growth toolbox is networking. It is not well explained in any of the writing I have seen and little or no discussion is brought to bear during most folks college career. Often it is pictured as attending business parties or luncheons and shaking peoples hands and while that…